Nov 12, 2008

Ford Coupe: After Seven Decades, Still a Prestige Car

The 1932 Ford Coupe Hot Rod is a royal car of pride collector’s piece for all car lovers. This is a model that all car lovers love to own at home, if had some money in the pocket. The Ford Coupe Hot Rod is a full handmade custom car, known as the definitive hot rod. It came out from Ford at a time when the Native Americans longed out a new entrant from Ford to challenge the European cars. It is the holy grail of hot rods, which is best known for introducing the first mass produced V8 engine. It is the key vehicle in American car culture. The Ford Coupe, although most commonly used chassis for hot rods, the whole point is that it is what you make of it that counts. The royal car marked its 75 years later as the Little Deuce Coupe.

This elegant car from world’s biggest car maker is the first model to experiment on V8 engine. This awesome car came out in a choice of colours of a cross between yellow and puke green. Considered as the finest looking car of its era, in any price range, from any manufacturer in the world, Ford Coupe really ruled the American roads for decades. It is a classic, as it served as a foundation for several generations’ worth of hot rods. Even after 75 years, the car has many lovers among the American youths, who still feel as it is a part of American pride. The Ford Coupe used to come out with an upholstery kit consisting of a seat made of fine upholstery fabric from Belgium. The first car on roads to use a V8 engine, also it is the most beautiful car ever discovered by hot rods. It is unquestionably the classic king of street rods. No doubt about the superiority and authority that Ford Coupe still possesses among the car market.