Nov 25, 2008

Not worth stealing? Think again

It seems car thieves have their eyes on easy prey rather than the expensive tickets, according to recent RACV Insurance claims data.

Cars insured for less than $6000 are the most commonly stolen and the insurance data also reveals the number of thefts increases with vehicle age. Cars more than nine years old are the most popular with thieves, stealing 909 cars last year, 667 of them were recovered. Cars more than 16 years old accounted for more than half these claims.

So it seems the old joke of ‘it’s not worth stealing’ isn’t so true any more with the shiny new expensive numbers off most criminals’ radar. The findings have been attributed to the developing security measures which seem to take leaps and bounds as technology continues to provide better and better methods of deterring potential thieves as well as a reflection of the high number of older cars on the roads. Vehicles under three years old accounted for only 4.5 per cent of claims.
RACV Insurance General Manager Susan Allen said drivers should be aware that cars are most likely to be stolen from railway stations, shopping centres and outside houses. She said increasing the security level of older cars can be as simple as fitting an engine immobiliser.
“Immobilisers…have been proven to be an effective deterrent to those looking for a joyride,” Ms Allen said.
Holden Commodores were the most frequently stolen cars, followed by Ford Falcons and then Toyota Camrys. While thieves weren’t moving as many expensive cars, Ms Allen warned that cars above $26,000 were more likely to have items stolen from them.
Among the most popular items stolen from cars were wheels, hubcaps, bags/briefcases, tools, GPS units, MP3 players and DVD entertainment systems.